We've all been there
She's down.
And he's down:
A little red blog
The sad, awful truth is that we fete these people, we fawn on them, we supply them with fighter jets, whisky and whores. No, of course, there will be no visas for this reporter because Saudi Arabia is no democracy. Yet how many times have we been encouraged to think otherwise about a state that will not even allow its women to drive? Kim Howells, the Foreign Office minister, was telling us again yesterday that we should work more closely with the Saudis, because we "share values" with them. And what values precisely would they be, I might ask?
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It just so happened, on one day, I clicked on two poems from the same rough corner of the poetic landscape.
The first, which I'm not supposed to reproduce, but which you can read here, Elizabeth Bishop's superficially chirpy One Art, a sort of whistling-past-the-graveyard poem, in which she makes a virtue of a necessity by designating losing as an art. You probably know it by its first line rather than its title:
The art of losing isn't hard to master;Then, via John Baker, came the poignant hymn to lost love Le vase brisé by Sully Prudhomme, written in 1865, for which John helpfully provided a source (warning: pop-up infested site) for an English translation, by Pete Crowther. It's not a bad job, though he seems to have bunked off home before finishing the final stanza. Bloody Friday afternoon translations, eh?
so many things seem filled with the intent
to be lost that their loss is no disaster.
So right Google has revised its Page Rank erm rankings, and this site has dropped from like ten million eight hundred thousand fourhundredteen and blankety twelve to only a paltry sixteen million thousand and two!
I mean WTF? I've never had a bad word to say about Google in my life. I use all their products/services. I subscribe to Google Food, Google Sleep, Google Sex and Google Leisure in preference to the real thing. My offspring are all Google Kids. When I go outside (brrr!) I get assailed by Google Weather and none eather other.
So why you no show me some-a respect? Why you no invite-a me to yo home? Instead you come to me widda Godfatha this anna Godfatha that ...
Sorry, wrong whinefest.
Have you seen them? Gawd, you'd think anybody GAF about their stupid Page Rank.
Boys, grow up. The only thing the world cares about is, does your site/blog have any importance to me. Well, that's what I care about, of course. Who gives a shit what the rest of the world thinks?
I had to laugh devilishly at the fact that the biggest whipped-cur-like yelps came from guys who do nothing but shadow Google and write about every molecule of every fart Google lets off under the blankets. Google Tutor, Google Blogoscoped, Google Operating System. Tick-birds one and all, and now they're all surprised and offended when the giant beast they've been loyally servicing all this time shakes itself and sends them all sprawling into the dust.
* The title for this post comes from something that's not.
People who turn on their automatic out-of-office mail responder on evenings and at weekends.
I fucking know you're not working on Sunday. I sent you an email today because it suits me. You don't have to tell me you'll be back in the office on Monday, because I know you work for the EU Commission, and therefore do the very minimum allowed, and sometimes not even that. In fact you're such a dispensable, lowly drone that I'm surprised anybody ever expects any answer from you that isn't, "Yes, sir". So you're not fucking fooling me into thinking there are people pestering you for decisions 24 hours a day and seven days a week. Important people don't turn on their auto-responders. They have their PAs deal with everything. That's how I know you're not important.
So spare me the update on your weekend activities, I didn't ask. I sent you a message for you to read. Just read it and STFU. Over and out.
The HuffPo has tape of a Q&A with Ben Karlin, who was head writer on the Daily Show for a time until he quit kinda suddenly. He talks about the whole cliche about people getting their news from TDS, and what he says makes sense.
What makes less sense is his take on the famous Jon Stewart Crossfire appearance, when Stewart roasted the two hosts of the show and accused them of "hurting America". (The above link includes the whole Crossfire appearance too.)
According to Karlin, the bit was suggested in an offhand manner by Stewart in a car, and not really prepared, and then they were all really surprised -- and a bit upset -- when it took off the way it did, which you'll doubtless remember.
I don't buy it. I remember the fuss, and I thought at the time and still think that Stewart's position is entirely consistent with his show's approach to stuff. And he didn't just toss off a remark, he came in there with his shtick all prepared, as you can see from the couple of actorly-comedic tricks he pulls, talking about "h-h-hurting us" and so on.
And why not, indeed? He's an intelligent man, so he must have been outraged at the whole Crossfire ethic at some point. And he's a comedian, so why not present his points in a comedic way? None of that is in the least exceptional.
But what is Karlin's message here? What point is he trying to make? Does he have some agenda?
Anyway, happy ending: Crossfire was taken off the air not long after. TDS goes from strength to strength, including a new dedicated website. The good guys won.
I'm posting all my old published Sour Grapes columns to a blog, over on WordPress just for a change. It'll take a while to get them all up, and then it'll be one a fortnight if that. All this in an effort to avenge my post-count humiliation by you-know-who. Or is it whom?
So if you're looking for something faintly amusing to read, that's over quite quickly, you know where to go.
Sour Grapes through the Ages. Or should that through have a capital T? I can't decide.
Now with occasional links!
PS: the blog address is a clever pun on the name "Sour Grapes". See if you can ypot it!
PPS: Here's a picture of my eye, which shows up at WordPress for reasons I can't fathom remember:
Everybody's doing it, and I'm not even American, but ...
You are a New Left Hipster, also known as a MoveOn.org liberal, a Netroots activist, or a Daily Show fanatic. You believe that if we really want to defend American values, conservatives must be exposed, mocked, and assailed for every fanatical, puritanical, warmongering, Constitution-shredding ideal for which they stand.
Take the quiz at www.FightConservatives.com
From the aforementioned moustache blog:
In fact, a man without a mustache is no longer a man. I do not care much for a beard; it almost always makes a man look untidy. But a mustache, oh, a mustache is indispensable to a manly face. No, you would never believe how these little hair bristles on the upper lip are a relief to the eye and good in other ways. I have thought over the matter a great deal but hardly dare to write my thoughts. Words look so different on paper and the subject is so difficult, so delicate, so dangerous that it requires infinite skill to tackle it.NB: "Good in other ways". Fnaar-fnaar. Earlier she writes: "You cannot imagine, my dear Lucy, how it changes him! I no longer recognize him-by day or at night." I think we all understand what that means, hmm?
The Mustache Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893)
Only moustaches. Not other sorts of facial hair. Are you mad?
And only from the 19th century, goes without saying.
Just in case you're in Europe when the Revolution comes, and you're short of a few ideas of who to put up against the wall, here are 73 pages of likely candidates. The 2007 Capitalist Ball organised by the Centre for the New Europe, who claim to adhere to the liberal tradition of Adam Smith etc, but don't they all. I'm not sure how objectionable their policies are, in specific terms, but they're doubtless up to no good. And they look like they need a decent dose of Terror.
So let it be.
This is, I hope, the creepiest thing you will ever see. It's science, though, so that makes it all right.
I don't know if it's SFW or not. It's so far out there the terms don't seem to apply.
That last post was the 100th this month, trailing Miz UV by hours'n'hours. Gotta admit, what's lacking in quality is made up for in quantity.
Still and all, back in May I got to 134. No way that's going to happen in October.
Roll on November!
Lifehacker, clearly with the California situation in mind, asked what people would pack if they had half an hour until an evacuation.
Check out the comments, most of which are nuts. These people will be fleeing for their lives with more stuff than the Joads took on their trip from Oklahoma. Obviously they'd spend the half-hour dreaming up reasons for carrying as much as possible -- stuff like a cordless drill, screwdrivers and other tools. What for?
An evident sense of lack of panic among the readers of Lifehacker.
The best of all: "Luggage. Chances are, you are going to be moving quite a bit in the near future. Good luggage is indispensible." Obviously a lesson all those shabby Darfur people could take to heart. I mean, have you seen those people?
Lifehacker dudes head for the hills, yesterday
What was happening? Soldiers were resorting to a number of options, anything that meant that they didn't have to kill. Some fell back to support positions. A few faked injury or ran away. Many fired into the air. In Civil War times, conscience-stricken soldiers also had the option of pretending to fire - that is, loading up their muskets, mimicking the movements of a firing soldier next to them, and pretending to recoil. These soldiers would then be carrying loaded weapons or would have loaded their weapons multiple times.
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THE legal age for masturbation is to be raised to 18 as part of a series of measures aimed at tackling binge-wanking among teenage boys.
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Simply Red are to split up. You will never never never give a shit, I expect.
Still, it's not going to happen right away. The split will come in 2009, so even their end will be tepid and unexciting.
The break-up comes, says potato-faced ginger tosser Mick Fucknall, because he wants to pursue a solo career, as if anybody was ever aware of any of the other members of the band anyway. Here's the money quote: "I've just recorded an album that is a tribute to Bobby Bland".
Imagine. Wonder what gave him that idea.
Mick Hucknall pictured yesterday
Photo by the ever-amusing Uncyclopedia
A history that does not mention Britain's great diarist once has won the Samuel Pepys award. The Noble Revolt by John Adamson, a study of the political crisis that led to the overthrow of King Charles I, was awarded the prize, which is given for a book that makes the greatest contribution to the understanding of Samuel Pepys, his times or his contemporaries.Did the clown who wrote this (Michelle Pauli) not read all the way to her own first paragraph. There's no need for the prize-winning book to mention Pepys. And it's perfectly clear to any fule that a book on the overthrow of Charles I is likely to improve understanding of Pepys' times, as well as his contemporaries.
So Blogger has now got this thing where if you comment on someone's blog, you can tick a box to have follow-up comments emailed to you.
Who asked for this? Some other bloggationary systems have something similar, and it's a PITA. Comments are not threaded, so you don't get replies to your comment, which is what you need, you get all the comments posted by every lame-ass TD&H who happens along the Interlectric HighRoad.
They should stop futzing with Blogger now. It's fine. Leave it be. It doesn't need to get better.
Seems to me this is pretty old, but 'tis the season, and so we bring you:
The skeletal systems of famous cartoon characters, like Betty Boop, Charlie Brown, Barney Rubble and GotoHello Kitty.
What kind of a freak, etc?
Do all your most sensitive shopping online.
How fortunate we are. Our forefathers had to go into a shop and be seen purchasing stuff like:
Menopause products (why do they call it a pause when it's actually a complete stop?)Hemoo Haemho Piles products
A vibrotasticator for massages of course
A douche bag (see: O'Reilly, Bill, synonynonyms for)
Small size condoms
Things for yeast infections
Creams for shaving the vajaja
I've embarrassed myself now, with some of the things I just typed. I have to go and put an ice-pack on my blushes. Excuse me.
Sometimes when I am thinking about large numbers, or complex numbers, or tricky geometric issues like the shape of the pieces of leather that make up a football, I have something approaching a panic attack, dizziness, nausea and acute anxiety because my mind cannot encompass the problem. I don't have this when contemplating other matters at all.
When I was a child, my most awful recurring nightmare always involved me being obliged to count the number of tiny units in a vast area, like a mosaic the size of a football pitch, for example. I would get so far and then have to start again because I lost track.
Actually reading this back, it doesn't seem so shameful at all. But them's the rules, folks.
Execution of Ill Ala. Inmate Blocked
Federal Appeals Court Blocks Ala. Lethal Injection of Terminally Ill Inmate
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One of the happiest news stories of the month was the arrest of this guy:
who thought he was being all clever by digitally altering his picture (left) little realising that you can digitally de-alter the picture by running the same feature in the opposite direction (result, right).
I rejoice to imagine the fucking leap his heart must have made when he saw his own filthy mush in the papers worldwide, after somebody at Interpol, having been like "Hmm, I wonder if you could do this ...?" then released the pictures. Of course it's always an occasion for celebration when a dirty sex tourist abuser is arrested, but this one is especially delicious because he thought he had got it all sorted. He put the anonymised photos out himself, obviously thinking, I'm on top of this, nobody can ever touch me with my Photoshop skills.
He's now been arrested. Not such a fucking arrogant look in your beady little eyes now, eh Christopher?
Perhaps you're reflecting on the fact that being brutally molested when you're hardly big and strong enough to do anything about it has now become a two-way street. That it isn't just a problem for little boys any more.
Have a nice time in prison, Christopher Neil.
Here's the good news from Interpol itself:
Christopher Paul NEIL, a 32-year-old Canadian man identified as being the person in a series of child sex abuse photos posted on the Internet, was arrested by Royal Thai Police on 19 October.
The History of Medicine is Medicine itself; permeating every specialty, binding together all the many and varied branches and forming a foundation and basis for the entire body of medical education. Only when this important fact is forgotten does the History of Medicine become lightly esteemed, as an occupation for elderly doctors, an array of curious and amusing facts, now absurd and obsolete; an account of the follies of our medical forefathers; at best, a story of some great discoveries and dramatic episodes, at worst, a new specialty, developed by a small band of people known as medical historians, with an outlook academic, rather than clinical, and forging no close link with modern medical practice.From the Presidential Address to the Section of History of Medicine, Royal Society of Medicine, London, on 6 February 1957, by Dr. Douglas Guthrie, editor of the journal Medical History, which published it in October that year. (Link to PDF)
In evolutionary terms, Barry White's rich, bass voice may hit all the right notes – a new study among modern-day hunter-gatherers shows that men with the deepest voices produce significantly more children than their more falsetto counterparts. The finding helps explain why men have evolved lower voices than women, say researchers.
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I think it's pretty shabby that the Post Secret guy is making lots of money from other people's submissions, not to mention their guilt and grief. He boasts about his site being the largest without ads, but if you're milking your visitors already the way he is, who needs ads?
More Morning Editorials coming soon!
Interesting TV programme about a gifted boy, a musical prodigy, the neuroscience of music and such matters. Not to mention: it's narrated by Gina McKee.
A list of handy words.
You never know when you may need some.
A title generator.
All dull above the towersA poetry generator.
So lustful behind the land
We command transparent sounds near the grave
Damn! The Knight is born
Evil and misty above the sky
I feel misty eggs among the dreamscape
Be wary! The devil must continue
All dull above the towers
We entice scary sirens in the earth
Awake! The insanity keeps going
backlit tired
saying goodbye
a backward glance
To what end
the victim
chase his dream
and never catch up
Why not turn off that Interblog pr0n and take a surgical suture tutorial instead?
Whaddaya mean, you'll never need to do it? What are you planning on leaving the wound lying wide open? Boy, you'll only do a thing like that once before seeing the error of your ways.
Now! At last! You too can have a book published! According to Brian Sacks' useful ad!
Sacks' blog Banterist is pretty funny if a little thin. He's obviously a talented dude. So yoy does he have to enable that slimeball motherfucker Glenn Beck?
I don't know.
I got this picture from Charlie Arthur's blog. He doesn't say where he got it from. It does sort of sum up Facebook pretty accurately.
click to enlargify, which you'll need to do to read it
The Mindset List from Beloit College, something produced every year just to remind us how we live on a different planet from young people. I love the chill it gives me down my spine. The first point is most poignant: I remember being on the edge of my seat all the time this was happening, since I'd visited Berlin only two years before.
1. What Berlin wall?
That's right. Kids going to college this year are too young to remember.
Snarfed from Sal Towse's brilliantly-named tumblelog, Badgers! Foxes! Rabbits!.
From the site:
From a broader series begun in 1997, the photographs in this suite are the result of mean averaging every Playboy centerfold foldout for the four decades beginning Jan. 1960 through Dec. 1999. This tracks, en masse, the evolution of this form of portraiture.Sour Grapes says: Be still my heart.
I'm reproducing in full the obituary of Alan Coren published in the Independent, because it's just so good. I remember reading Coren every week, and being constantly amazed at how he could turn his hand to so many different kinds of daft comic writing week after week after week. Miles Kington does it, too, so he knows whereof he speaks.
Coincidentally, I've been reading the latest mammoth poastie by Stephen Fry at his blog where he talks about writing columns. Two things struck a personal chord:
I wrote newspaper columns through much of the eighties and nineties, and enjoyed it greatly. But for all kinds of reasons I was more than happy to retire. Feeling stale, tiring of the deadlines, hating myself for manufacturing cheap, easy rants – the line of least resistance when you rack your brains for weekly copy is to think of something you hate. That way lies the death of the soul IM(not so)HO. All those feature columns with titles like J’Accuse, Bile, Spleen and so on. Nasty. Won’t Do. It all came to a head when an editor called me up and asked if I could do a “1200 word hate piece on Christmas”. Not a blush, not a murmur of apology. Time to reach for my hat and streak for the horizon, I felt.My own column is called Sour Grapes. It's people like me he's on about. I can't remember what the other thing was. Ah yes, it's from the obit:
I also remember once he said to me, soulfully and seriously: "When I was writing my piece last night, my wife Anne came and looked over my shoulder as I typed away, and she suddenly said, halfway through reading it: 'When you are 60 years old, are you still going to be writing little pieces about men called Norman Foskett?', and my blood ran cold."Anyway, here's a piccie, then the obituary.
Okay right if Dumbledore was gay, right, how come he was played by Richard Harris right, and then by that other guy right, wossname, Gambon, and not by, for example, Ian McKellen, who is in fact gay as a threepenny-bob row of tents?
Surely Dumblebore's gayness occured to Joanna while she was writing him, which is prolly why she omitted every single slight hint he might be gay, obviously to protect him from Muggle wrath. Because obviously Muggles have no trouble with wizard professors, so long as they're straight.
It couldn't be that Joanna has noticed sales slipping, and wants to gee them up a bit, could it?
Does she not have enough money yet? Perhaps she could let us know when the billions have reached the required level. Something we're still waiting for Bill Gates to do, I may add.
Does anyone feel like designing a publicity campaign for a concert of American music? Totally non-paying, but I'm looking for something very stars and stripes.
Something for peeps to play with, perhaps.
GMail capacity is now up to over four mega-kilo-googla-bytes. Citizens are advised to go about their business normally. Or in the case of tycoons, businesses.
Stand by for further statements with numbers in them.
So okay so now Meryl Streep goes on The Daily Show. Is that endorsement or what? Does Stewart even need endorsement any more? Can he not stand for President? WTF not?
As Sal already mentioned, the entire Daily Show output, into the archives and up to today, is now online, and you can link to it, embed it and do what you want. The ads are much less obstrusive than they used to be on Comedy Central.
First Linda Smith, now Alan Coren, the Sage of Cricklewood. I first knew him as editor of Punch, and author of the first piece in the mag, every week. Week after week. You need to be great in those conditions.
Fucking death. Fucking sting. Fucking victory.
Verdict: better than anyone had any right to expect. No not just becoz I wuz there with my interlec.
I'll fill in more over the weekend, if I can, but this one coming is going to be the definition of "snowed under".
Go here and play Google Image Labeler, and I guarantee your life will be ruined, all your plans will come to nothing, your partner and your family will ultimately abandon you, you'll lose your job and you'll die prematurely, alone and in great sorrow.
On the other hand, it is bloody good fun. I'm on 3320.
Only thing is, you don't get to choose who to play against. Some people are reaaaally dumb.
Endless LOLcat fun, not, with a new image generated at a click of the Refresh button, thanks to the boffins at Carnegie Mellon University, like they had nothing better to do.
The results are generally crap, even by the low standards of LOLcats. And I can't imagine snarfing images off Flickr and generating some SMS text was a major compsci breakthrough.
Maybe we should call them WTFcats.
A long New Yorker article about David Simon, creator of The Wire, who sounds like a bit of a dick, which is probably what it takes to get on these days. Still, his stuff is outstanding.
And an article by Bill Watterson, father of Calvin and Hobbes, about a bio of Charles Schultz and his personal demons. He (Schultz) doesn't much sound like somebody you'd care to be around, either. He likens Schultz to Schroeder, which seems a little unfair on Schroeder.
Why must these people constantly reinforce the old stereotype about the creative artist being an insufferable prick? It's unjust to so many people. What about those of us who are insufferable pricks and not creative at all? Don't we have rights too?
PS: Speaking of reading matter, the reason I'm not keeping my end up here the last couple of days is because I have to finish The Professor for my reading group session with the Brontë Society on Friday. But don't worry, you're not missing much.
This is pretty funny: the Google search page if it were SEO'd for Google itself.
It's utterly horrible, as you can see. You'll doubtless recognise similarities to very many pages you've seen that were all wrong, but you didn't quite know why. That's the answer: they've been SEO'd to death.
And then, it hit me like a further lightning bolt: the “true theme” only emerges when Beethoven does the subject in the INVERSION … and isn’t “inversion,” sexually speaking, the sidesplitting eternal joke of Jack Ritter’s presence in the apartment with the two buxom babes? How could even a great genius like Beethoven know what the Three’s Company theme and subject matter would be, one hundred and fifty years before it was even a twinkle in the eye of a television producer? It was as if—and this seemed hard to believe—Beethoven had written the entire Sonata just to bring the theme of Three’s Company into life …
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In response to the Rolling Stone article, but first let me say this; you are very mistaken if you think that I don't know your audience. Hell, I could've been heckled by the parents of some of the very people that come see you now. I grew up in Roswell, Georgia (near the Funny Bone and not far from The Punch Line). The very first time I went on stage was at The Punch Line in Sandy Springs in 1982 when I was 17. I cut my teeth in the south and my first road gigs ever were in Augusta, Charleston, Baton Rouge, and Louisville. I remember them very well, specifically because of the audience. I remember thinking (occasionally, not all the time) "what a bunch of dumb redneck, easily entertained, ignorant motherfuckers. I can't believe the stupid shit they think is funny." So, yes, I do know your audience, and they suck. And they're simple. And please don't mistake this as coming from a place of bitterness because I didn't "make it" there or, I'm not as successful as you because that's not it at all. Since I was a kid I've always been a little over sensitive to the glorification and rewarding of dumb. The "salt of the earth, regular, every day folk" (or lowest common denominator) who see the world, and the people like me in it, as on some sort of secular mission to take away their flag lapels and plaster-of-paris jesus television adornments strike me as childishly paranoid.
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Death is a bitch. On the one hand, you have a boner that just won't quit. On the other hand, you look like shit, bad skin, British teeth, dirty clothes. You can't have it both ways.
That, at least, is what we hear about death from the characters in Babylon Fields, a zombie crime drama series made for CBS but apparently not picked up after the pilot. Extracts of which you can see here.
I'd have thought they were onto a winner. With the exception of Ray Stevenson's ropey American accent (he was the sidekick legionary Titus Pullo in Rome) it looks perfectly acceptable to me, and it goes without saying, ten times better than most of the shit that's on.
Never mind. Maybe they'll release a DVD. Or maybe with all this buzz Babylon Fields will rise from the dead
for real -- geddit?
The strange emotional power of swearing--as well as the presence of linguistic taboos in all cultures-- suggests that taboo words tap into deep and ancient parts of the brain. In general, words have not just a denotation but a connotation: an emotional coloring distinct from what the word literally refers to, as in principled versus stubborn and slender versus scrawny. The difference between a taboo word and its genteel synonyms, such as shit and feces, cunt and vagina, or fucking and making love, is an extreme example of the distinction. Curses provoke a different response than their synonyms in part because connotations and denotations are stored in different parts of the brain.
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Sometimes, the solution to becoming more creative can't be arrived at by traditional thinking. Writing pro Copyblogger suggests that we try to frame ideas in a metaphorical way instead in order to see angles we might not have come up with otherwise. Why? Because logical thinking tends to follow a linear pattern, while metaphors are symbolic—which can potentially unlock our creative side.That's all very well, but isn't "mental block" a metaphor?
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GMail has gone up to 3Gb.
Stay tuned for further developments as they happen.
I've been arranging my archived Sour Grapes columns into folders marked Used, Unused and You Musta Been Fuggn DRUNK, and I came across this little gem, written coincidentally on this very day, in September 2004. Enjoy:
What well-known word means "Lord's Grace" or alternatively, "Yahweh is gracious"? That's right: the word is Ian and it's my first name. You couldn't ask for a better one – a solid two syllables contained in merely three letters (I discount those affected aesthetic over-achievers with their Rococo variations like Iain as making too much of a good thing). Everyone can pronounce it, which is important in an international milieu like what we live in. Great Ians in history include Ian Hunter out of Mott the Hoople and Ian Anderson out of Jethro Tull.
You could say the same about Emma, which happens to be the most popular girl's name in Belgium, according to a table produced by the National Insitutite for Statistics last week. Emma, whose name means "whole" or "universal", was the mother of Edward the Confessor as well as the eponym of the popular Jane Austen novel, but it's taken her some time to jump to the top of the list, where she stood in fourth place two years ago. Famous Emmas include actress Emma Thompson and Baby Spice.
Emma is top, too, in Flanders, but only sixth in Brussels, where Sarah rules the roost. Sarah was, of course, the wife of Abraham in the Old Testament. Interestingly, she was originally called Sarai, until God told Abraham (in Genesis 17, 15) to change it to Sarah. He didn't explain His reasons, but then that's God for you. Outside the Bible, the name is redolent of great examples from showbiz such as Sarah Bernhardt, who only had one leg and once played Hamlet, or Sarah Brightman, formerly Mrs. Andrew Lloyd Webber.
They're a religious lot in Brussels when it comes to naming their sprogs: the top-ranked boy's name is Mohamed, the name of the Prophet of Islam. In second place comes Adam – the name with the longest pedigree of all, from the Hebrew for "man" with a clever pun on "adamah" meaning "earth". Other famous Adams were Adam Ant, a dandy highwayman, and Adam 12, a TV series of the early 70s.
Thomas takes the first slot nationwide for boys with 721 votes, maintaining his long-established lead over Lucas. Thomas is himself a Biblical figure: the doubting disciple nobody had heard of up to his first appearance in John 20, after which he was never heard of again. He's thought to have founded the Coptic religion, though. His name lived on in such illustrious examples as Thomas More, a philosopher, Thomas Cook, a travel agent, and Thomas the Tank Engine, a tank engine.
Lucas, meanwhile, bubbles under in Wallonia and across the nation as a whole, where he holds steady in second place. Lucas comes from the Greek Loukas, meaning someone from Lucania, in Italy – not to be confused with Loukoum, a type of sweetmeat. Luke was the third of the Gospel writers, reputed to be a physician. Lucas passed his name on to the likes of George Lucas of Star Wars fame, and Lucas the company that makes car headlights.
More interesting, perhaps, is the number of new arrivals on the NIS's list. There are now little girls being pushed around in buggies with names like Roxy, Puk, Princesse, Jazz and Gypsy. The first is a cinema (it may be a bingo-hall by now), while Jazz is a perfume by Yves Saint-Laurent as well as the noise you get when you mistreat a saxophone. Gypsy Cream is a kind of biscuit. Oddball boys' names include Duke, Ozzy, Prince and Ramses, after an order of nobility, the lead singer of Black Sabbath, a Leprechaun of Pop and an Egyptian pharaoh, in that order. There have been numerous famous Dukes and Princes in history, two notable Ramseseses, but only ever one Ozzy.
In a future Sour Grapes, perhaps several years from now, we'll examine the phenomenal rise in the ratings of names like Edelweiss, Heavenly, Jersey, Tallahassee, Amazone, Cordoba, Valencia, Barcelona, Kenzo, Chanel, Mexx and Dior. Or maybe not.
Download the full list of Belgian forenames from http://tinyurl.com/4q4zx (in Dutch) or http://tinyurl.com/6zga2 (in French). If you must.
***I haven't featured a photo from the excellent Shorpy archive recently, so here's one now:
"Giant." Big man enjoying a cigar and glass of beer in a New York tavern circa 1908. View full size. George Grantham Bain Collection.
You can check out more Shorpy pix from the widget I've installed ovah thah >>>
Meanwhile, coming up to mid-century, an allied site has now sprung up called Plan59, where you can enjoy illustrations like this:
With this dude on Hillary's team, how can she lose?
If you're interested, the lyrics go something like this:
I've been on tenterhooks ending in dirty looks, list'ning to the Muzak, thinking 'bout this 'n' that. She said that's that. I don't wanna chitter-chat. Turn it down a little bit or turn it down flat.
Pump it up when you don't really need it.
Pump it up until you can feel it.
Down in the pleasure centre, hell bent or heaven sent, listen to the propaganda, listen to the latest slander. There's nothing underhand that she wouldn't understand.
Pump it up until you can feel it.
Pump it up when you don't really need it.
She's been a bad girl. She's like a chemical. Though you try to stop it, she's like a narcotic. You wanna torture her. You wanna talk to her. All the things you bought for her, putting up your temp'rature.
Pump it up until you can feel it.
Pump it up when you don't really need it.
Out in the fashion show, down in the bargain bin, you put your passion out under the pressure pin. Fall into submission, hit-and-run transmission. No use wishing now for any other sin.
Pump it up until you can feel it.
Pump it up when you don't really need it.
Here's a cool photo of Saturn's moon Iapetus. If you want to, you can download the right size for your own desktop. Or just look at mine:
Click to really really enormify
Startling statements from former Qwest CEO Joseph Nacchio's defense documents alleging the National Security Agency began building a massive call records database seven months before 9/11 aren't the only accusations that the controversial program predated the attacks of 9/11.
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The Jiglu widget sure wuz purty, but it had to go.
Jiglu claims to tag your blog posts for you, by combing through them and tagging things like people, places, events etc.
In the first place, it does a pisspoor job. This blog has 530-odd posts, and Jiglu came back with about 60 tags. Ludicrous. In the sidebar there you'll see my own tag cloud which has far more, and those are only tags that I've used twice or more. And I'm often very lazy about tagging. Jiglu's widget had me down for a total of two events and eight people. I think we've covered more than that.
Jiglu's results routinely include all names mentioned, which is not always helpful. Worse, it picked up on any and every TLA, producing tags like WTF, ETA (edited to add) and PS, none of which are at all useful as tags.
But the cardinal sin, and the reason I scrapped it as soon as I noticed, is that it decided unilaterally to go in and highlight all the words which had been designated as tags, thus forcing an unwanted and really pretty stupid design element on me. If I've mentioned John Gielgud, say, you don't need to have those words highlighted for you in the post where John Gielgud is mentioned. You need to have a place where you can find tags and then trace the posts they come from.
So that's why Jiglu is gone. I'm not only a blingnut. I also demand performance from my bling.
Mind Hacks made mention of a strange treatment for mental illness, found on a website "so weird that I'm not entirely sure it isn't a hoax", and involved boxing the ears of the patient with the flat of both hands simultaneously so s/he lost consciousness briefly. When recovery occurs, the patient is cured.
Not entirely sure it isn't a hoax? Let me dispel your doubts. Here's the website, run by Labour Party supporter Andy Kadir-Buxton. It isn't a hoax. It's the work of a nutter. Consider some of the other "revolutionary" treatments Andy has discovered:
ROME, Italy (AP) -- The Vatican has published secret archive documents about the trial of the Knights Templar, including a long-lost parchment that shows that Pope Clement V initially absolved the medieval Christian order from accusations of heresy, officials said Friday.
The 300-page volume recently came out in a limited edition -- 799 copies -- each priced at $8,377, said Scrinium publishing house, which prints documents from the Vatican's secret archives.Clearly, it's a conspiracy to keep us all in the dark by overcharging. A cunning ploy. Veeery cunning.
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The Nobel Peace Prize must be the most discredited major award in the world, with previous winners like Henry Kissinger, Menachem Begin, Dr. Crippen and Freddy Kruger out of Nightmare on Elm Street.
Still it's nice to see the right-wingers turning themselves inside out with seething bitterness at the fact that Al Gore has shared the prize this year. How must it be to know that the entire planet is looking from Gore to Bush, and back to Gore, and thinking: "And you voted for the chimp?"
Apologies to all chimps everywhere
Excellent New Scientist article on means of dying, from lethal injection (not of concern to Grapes 2.0 readers) to ze geeohteen. It has some marvellous sentences, pulled right out of context:
A single penetrating wound to the femoral artery in the leg might be less painful than multiple fractures sustained in a motor vehicle crash.So that's probably the one to go for.
Beheading, if somewhat gruesome, can be one of the quickest and least painful ways to die - so long as the executioner is skilled, his blade sharp, and the condemned sits still.So try to remember.
A high fall is certainly among the speediest ways to die: terminal velocity (no pun intended) is about 200 kilometres per hour, achieved from a height of about 145 metres or more. A study of deadly falls in Hamburg, Germany, found that 75 per cent of victims died in the first few seconds or minutes after landing.Well which is it -- seconds or minutes? I think it would make a difference, as you lie there like a woollen sack full of jam while passers-by gawp.
They eventually adopted the "long-drop" method, using a lengthier rope so the victim reached a speed that broke their necks. It had to be tailored to the victim's weight, however, as too great a force could rip the head clean off, a professionally embarrassing outcome for the hangman.Not to mention the red face for the prisoner.
The reversed placement of the treble and bass keys allows pianists from these southern nations to play northern European piano literature without having to relearn the notes. It does require that the score be transfered to onion skin vellum, laid in reverse on a copy machine and photocopied in reverse so that the music flows from right to left on the page.
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Which is more important: feeding hungry people or the law? If you ask yourself the question over and over again it becomes like that little place on the wall where the paint has buckled. Curious, you pick at the bubble one day and discover that the plaster underneath is cracked. You follow the line of the crack down to the floorboards. You wonder why the plaster cracked just there and you go down to the basement to investigate. You discover that one of the floor joists has moved. You look more closely and realize that the foundation of the house is tipped and crumbling. You call in an expert and discover that the ground beneath the house is sinking away. Deep below the house an underground cavern is widening, a great stone plate is shifting, a lava flow is making its way to the surface, a column of sand is settling. If you look too long you can no longer look away.
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Gina McKee.
The library had nothing more interesting than the 2002 Forsyte Saga where she plays Irene to Damien Lewis's Soames. The roles played, for those old enough to remember, by Nyree Dawn Porter and Eric Porter (no relation) in the original BBC series.
So that's what I got. Lewis is a ginge, and was I believe m'Lud prominent in something called Band of Brothers. Gina was in Us Friends Oop North, which is where I first saw her. She was also in Brass Eye, video of which is available.
Amazingly, she's now 46, like my little brother. She looks a lot better than he does, even given he's a bloke. I would, as Sir John Gielgud once said, do her. She wouldn't give me the time of fucking day, goes without saying.
From a collection. Also including military, redneck, racist cards etc. I steered clear of most of that, as you can imagine. I well remember this type of humour on postcards when I was growing up. You wouldn't see such a thing now. It depends for its humour, such as it is, on suggestion in the place of statement. Nowadays the man would say "Mary you'll cut me balls off!" and that wouldn't be funny at all. Although there's still a lot of so-called comedy around that seems to disagree.
Look at this picture of Robert Wyatt, who I was talking about a couple of weeks ago.
Magnificent. He looks like God would look if He existed.
There's an article/interview with him here, whence this photo is snarfled.
Bobby Byrd, who has died of cancer aged 73, was the arranger and the often uncredited composer of many of the hits of soul singer James Brown (obituary, December 27 2006). Byrd did enjoy chart success but his light baritone was most conspicuous in the "get on up" responses to Brown on his Sex Machine signature tune.
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I think if I were standing against Giuliani, I'd make a point of dropping the "Rudy" which makes him sound like a freckle-faced newspaper boy, and keep calling him "Rudolf", which makes him sound like a cross between a reindeer and, vaguely but just enough, Hitler.
You could also once in a while mistakenly pronounce his name Giulietta. But not more than once or twice. Far better to say the name in as Italian an accent as you can.
I have lots of other ideas if any of the campaigns want to get in touch. Like: why not pronounce Hillary's name as if she were the start of the word hilarious? Senator Hilari- Clinton! That would work.
You remember when I was talking earlier about the gummint tracking you down as a terrorist because of your literary stylee?
Well, that's not the only way they're going to catch you.
According to this article, they're also going to be able to measure your biometrics, the expression on your face, the posture of your body, the sound of your voice and even the bumps on your noggin, and comparing them with an undoubtedly very large database, determine that if you're about to commit a terrorist act. Or possibly just think about committing one, or think about someone else committing one.
At any rate, they'll catch you good, and foil your dastardly plans.
Of course, if your name's not Abdallah or something similar, you might not be noticed by the biometrics machine, for some reason.
Here's an example of the kind of thing the scanners could detect:
UPDATED to add: Boing-Boing's Cory Doctorow (no relation to E.L.) wrote this futuristic fable about what happens when the spooks take over Google. Like most futuristic sci-fi it's way heavy-handed, wall-to-wall exposition, dialogue that dances like a one-legged drunk and adverb-bound, but the good thing about it is how plausible his premise is.
Still, what're you gonna do, huh?
I've been asked along to a reading-group meeting on the 19th of this month, of a group that deals with 19th century lit, principally the Brontë sisters. They'll be discussing The Professor, one of Charlotte's Brussels novels. As you may know, I'm a big Vic-lit fan
My dilemma is this: I haven't read the book in question, and I don't even have a copy. It would doubtless be no problem to read it by the 19th, but I'd first have to go into town and buy a copy, which would require me to be arsed.
I have, on the other hand, read her other Brussels novel, Villette, and both novels are based on the same limited experience of her time here, when she taught at a girls' school.
So my question for my peeps is this: should I get the book, read it and go; or not go; or go anyway and just sort of busk it by for instance looking up Wikipedia on the subject? (Which I now see is wholly unsatisfactory, although it contains a link to the Project Gutenberg copy.)
I'm going to have to go into town tomorrow, aren't I? I see that now.
Thanks for all your advice, darlings. What would I do with you?
An excellent article on parking, which sounds like a contradiction in terms but isn't. It speaks from an American viewpoint, obviously, but the difference between their problems and ours is only one of scale, from what I can see. The provision of parking places is a major problem for city planners, increases our dependence on the ghastly motor car, contributes to everything from pollution to obesity, and has real environmental effects on heavy metal pollution, the disposition of water-table resources and even the weather.
It's always a pleasure to finish reading an article feeling smarter than you were at the beginning, which is not often the case with Salon. Although it's nice to read about George Clooney too, from time to time.